Insight 11 May 2023

For the longhaul: the first class route to decarbonisation

Your decarbonisation strategy needs to stand the test of time. 了解数据和能源使用的实时视图如何帮助您保持领先地位.

Decarbonising effectively requires a well-planned strategy. 但你如何确保这一战略具有持久力,使你的组织实现净零?

As we explored in our recent discussion with Mitie’s Managing Director, Energy and Decarbonisation, Prad Pandit, your strategy can’t be a “one-and-done” affair. 它需要与组织的所有职能部门沟通,并让他们参与公开对话, based on what’s working, what isn’t and what needs to happen next.

最有效的长期战略也建立在准确的碳基准和对所有能源活动的可操作的见解之上. To learn more about creating a lasting net zero strategy, we spoke to Mike Sewell, Mitie Plan Zero Director, and Catherine Wheatley, Mitie’s Head of Data Science. Here’s what we learned.

Establish a baseline – and address carbon literacy

如果没有对你的碳足迹的基本了解,你将很难鼓励长期的战略投资, where you want to be and why you’re aiming for net zero.

As Mike recently discussed, 最明智的脱碳商业计划侧重于降低能源成本, 提高能源弹性,吸引投资者和客户. But to do that well, you need to address your organisation’s carbon literacy, which may mean confronting uncomfortable truths.

Business people having casual discussion during meeting
It is time to address your organisation’s carbon literacy

“高管们意识到,立法和社会经济压力正在推动他们去碳化, 他们可能已经松散地承诺到2050年实现净零排放,” says Catherine. “但他们不太可能参与有意义的长期变革,除非他们了解公司在哪里让自己失望. Good or bad, it’s the reality of your footprint, and you can’t hope to improve if you aren’t honest about it.”

For this reason, 您需要数据来建立您的房产及其能源使用的实时视图, 以及你的外部活动对你整体碳足迹的影响.

“很容易认为,如果你看不见它,那么它就没有发生,”凯瑟琳说. “但最严重的碳排放肇事者可能是你的车队或供应链合作伙伴. And if you’re not measuring it, you’re not managing it.”

Rich insights are essential

如果您的组织要实现有意义的碳排放减少,准确的数据收集是必须的. You’ll only gain a comprehensive picture of buildings, assets, fleet and other sources by monitoring them closely, and implementing measures to improve on your findings. Catherine recommends automating the process to ensure success.

“让尽可能多的数据收集自动化是很重要的. 这应该集中在建筑、资产、车队以及你最大的客户身上。. “通过这种监测,你可以建立一个准确的档案,告诉你使用了多少能源以及何时使用. Add AI modelling, 你可以更容易地确定和确定提高能源效率的机会.”

提高能见度还可以帮助您预测特定时间和地点的能源使用情况, 围绕这一点优化你的资产,并确定你最大的成本中心.

“生活能源模型确定了你在特定时间使用的能源, from the grid to on-site generation such as solar PV. 它还显示了使用不同的节能技术对满足您的需求所需的能源的影响,” says Catherine. “For example, 如果有更多的人在家工作,它可以在工作场所的某个部分关闭暖通空调系统.”

这些解决方案的好处很容易与利益相关者分享, 因此,他们可以看到他们的合作如何对组织及其底线产生积极影响.

Optimise what works to stay futureproof

当被问及组织如何确保他们的脱碳技术是面向未来的, Catherine mentions two key considerations.

“Firstly, to measure your footprint and set goals around it, 您将需要智能计量和商业智能(BI)技术,以便了解正在发生的事情. 而且因为现在硬件的发展速度比软件慢得多, you’re unlikely to need to update it for a long time.


“Secondly, the same can be said for renewable energy assets. Solar panels and heat pumps have been around for a long time, and the only significant changes have been in how we use them. Again, 这是因为数据驱动的创新总是在寻找新的方法来简化和优化操作——包括我们如何消耗能源.”

因此,提供有效的长期战略取决于您如何使用您的数据来优化能源使用, 以及你如何确定快速的胜利来实现你的脱碳目标. 所需硬件的缓慢进步意味着是否要安装太阳能电池板, LED lights, 热泵,甚至用电动汽车取代你的汽油车队, you can do so with confidence.

Get Decarbonisation, Delivered

Mitie works with organisations across the UK, designing, 构建和管理实现净零排放所需的定制脱碳解决方案. That includes the software and hardware required to monitor, optimise and adapt to shifting energy trends and demands.

为了帮助你的脱碳之旅,我们制作了一份指南来克服 five biggest challenges to net zero.

How can we help?

If you’re looking for more information, 需要与某人谈论查询或想要谈论您的澳博官方网站需求, then you’ve come to the right place.

