洞察力 2023年5月9日


随着设施管理越来越以技术为主导, discover the role IT teams will play in creating the built environments of tomorrow.


We live in an age where data and 数字技术 can help you to create exceptional working environments – those that boost the value of your brand, 吸引和留住人才, 提高员工的幸福感和工作效率.

但这些好处并不是自然产生的. They require the relationship between FM managers and IT professionals to become increasingly entwined.

在这个博客中, we’ll look at some of the ways IT teams can help facilitate and empower these improvements – and examine how you may see your role change in the coming years.


随着零排放的最后期限越来越近, driving de碳isation has fast become a priority for organisations in all industries – and for those with sprawling property portfolios, 这可能是一个重大挑战.

在领导机构中, 各种操作技术被用于监测能源使用情况, 确定新的效率, 减少碳排放. And they all rely on one thing: your ability to gather, process, and analyse vast amounts of data.

越来越多地。, IT部门将需要提供支持, 平台, and processing power required to do this – as well as the automated 科技nologies and monitoring solutions needed to take action. 但是,IT不仅仅是脱碳的推动者. 司法部要发挥的作用要直接得多.

在大型组织中, data centres and IT supply chains can contribute greatly to a company’s 碳 footprint. So, exploring solutions like cloud computing and readdressing how you procure 科技nology can have an immediate and transformational impact on the pursuit of net zero.


很明显,这里有一些二分法. IT可以成为碳减排的推动者. (世界经济论坛表明,数字技术 能否达到达到净零排放目标所需的20%的减排目标.)然而与此同时, the digital solutions and 科技nology required to enable change will further contribute to 碳 emissions. 和其他任何事情一样,关键是找到适当的平衡.

IT部门有责任直面这两个挑战, and devise strategies that deliver the maximum benefit to the organisation as a whole.


作为数据, 数字技术, 传感器在FM的各个领域发挥着越来越大的作用, 将会有许多新的机会去探索. 但是,新的机遇也带来了新的风险.

简单的事实是, the operational 科技nologies that enable new efficiencies in your built environment will inevitably increase your organisation’s threat landscape, 并为网络攻击提供了新的机会.

对于您的IT部门来说,这是一个挑战. The priority will always be ensuring the safety of your organisation’s sensitive data. But it’s imperative that you find a way to do so while being an enabler of change.

这意味着建立健壮的, 先发制人的安全策略,以确保重要的东西仍然受到保护. But also carefully vetting and authorising 科技nologies and solutions so FM leaders still have the freedom to experiment and explore.

最近的一份报告 showed that two-thirds of managers consider the cybersecurity of operational 科技nologies one of their most challenging responsibilities. 然而,尽管有这种意识, only 44% currently have a cybersecurity solution in place to protect OT systems from an attack.

显然,安全策略应该在部署解决方案之前到位. So, 这是一个必须紧急处理的领域, and one that will inevitably play a big part in your future as further 科技nologies are introduced.


最初是环境的结果,混合工作现在已经存在了. And for the IT teams tasked with enabling seamless experiences between the office and home, 有很多事情需要考虑.

It’s likely you’ve spent the last couple of years introducing tools and solutions needed to make collaborative work possible from anywhere. But how much attention has been paid to what happens back in the office – an environment that has become increasingly unpredictable in the way it’s populated and used?

Gathering data about how space is used and providing employees with real-time visibility into the availability of rooms can play a vital role in simplifying the chaos, 消除摩擦, 保持人们的生产力.

IT can help FM managers take a data-orientated approach to creating an office space worth the commute

还有一个额外的好处. 对空间的利用有深刻的见解, 以及正确的支持技术, FM领导人可以实施节约成本的措施, like automating or remotely controlling environments to turn off systems that aren’t required.

从长远来看, these insights can feed into wider strategic decisions around office space in general. It’s not uncommon to see organisations completely reassess their property portfolios when they’re able to see exactly what is being used and how.


也就是说, 对很多组织来说, bringing people back to the office for at least a portion of their working week is a priority. And creating the environments that make people want to brave the commute – those that are flexible, 方便, and accommodating to the needs of different demographics – can not only improve employee wellbeing, 同时也有助于吸引和留住新的人才.

At the heart of this issue is the fact that different people will want different things. So, IT在这里的首要角色是帮助FM经理以数据为导向, bottom-up approach to figuring out what employees want and mitigating any inherent biases that can affect office design.

一旦弄清楚需要什么, the next task is to implement the 科技nologies required to create and optimise the desired office environment.

几乎有无限种方法来解决这个问题, from using occupancy sensors to optimise the use of space to introducing smart 科技nologies that allow seamless office experiences, 比如工作场所应用. 你采取的方法将完全取决于你的员工的需求.

如果做对了,即使是最小的改变也会产生巨大的影响. 例如, we recently worked with the IT team of a large financial institution to automate and improve office temperatures and reduced employee complaints related to workspace temperatures by 90%.


设施管理优化是一个持续的过程, 在可预见的未来,它将依赖于你的团队的支持.

关键不仅仅是建立系统来产生数据和见解, 同时也将这些数据联系起来,以发现新的、令人兴奋的机会. 所有这些都必须与整体设施管理策略相一致.

当然,开发必要的功能需要时间和投资. 因此,找到一个已经在这些领域投资的合作伙伴可能是关键.

作为一个技术驱动的公司, 拥有数十年经验的管理澳博官方网站提供商, Mitie在最新的操作技术上投入了大量资金, 以及领先的建筑环境安全和监控解决方案. We regularly work with IT teams like yours to identify and implement the best approach to modernising facilities management.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help you become a hero to your FM teams, get in touch.



